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Olympic Squat Mobility

How can I achieve a similar flexibilty like this (not talking about the weight, just empty bar for example)? I like his squatting style alot and would like to be able to get into the same bottom ...
Willi Mentzel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Proposed Olympic/Power Routine To Meet Unusual Requirements [closed]

edited in response to comments Below is a detailed mixed olympic and power lifting routine. In particular, I have annotated what seems to be the most unusual features. I currently use the routine. ...
entprise's user avatar
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Can Deadlifts be used as a supplement to increase squats PR?

While I do BB squats I often do not have a spotter so in case of trying to get PR I find it a bit risky and hence my squats numbers are not increasing as much as I'd like to.But in case of a DL it's ...
S.D's user avatar
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