I'm setting up a routine but I have some help needed figuring out whether my routine covers all the muscles to avoid imbalances since this is the first time I do such a thing on my own. My goals are:
- gain muscle
get stronger
lower fat percentage
I have tracked down all the muscles that will be worked out following this routine and put the info in a pdf (it's a bit further in this post).
I would appreciate it a lot of you could take a look at it and tell me what you think or if there are imbalances or muscles that I should be working out more/less.
I'm thinking to add some isolation exercises for my arms and abs as I love some big arms and visible abs.
As for the reps, it's 3 X 10 for the ones that have nothing written next to them. For weight, I usually go for things that I can barely do three sets of, so not too easy but not too hard as well.
Concerning cardio, I always begin my training session with 10 of cardio and a bit of stretching. Other than that, my cardio is done mostly outside the gym on daily basis activities like biking to work/school, walking every day, taking the stairs...etc. I also sometimes do mostly running or the stairs machine.
Textual version:
Day 1:
Barbell bench press
Bent over barbell row with supinated grip
Barbell squat
Incline barbell bench press
Wide-grip lat pulldown
Hip thrusts
overhead press
Dumbbell Shrugs
Day 2:
Dumbbell bench press
Long bar rows with V-bar.
Front squat
Incline Dumbbell Press
Close-grip lat pulldown
Straight leg deadlift
Core circuit rollouts, weighted plank, Russian twists
Day 3:
Pushups AMRAP/set
Pullups AMRAP/set
Walking lunges 1 minute/set
Dips AMRAP/set
Chin-ups AMRAP/set
Box jumps 1 minute/set