So I am interested in using Greasing the Groove(GtG) to increase my number of pullups and pushups. I am a beginner at strength training, so I figured I would post my question here. My goal is more to increase strength rather than going for muscle size. I am trying to figure out how to balance GtG with regular strength workouts. In other words, If I continue doing strength training 3 days a week, would I just add short GtG sessions throughout the day on both workout days and rest days? Also, can I exercise the same muscles in my GtG sessions as in my full body workout sessions? In other words, if I do GtG pullups throughout the day or week, can I still do back rows or similar exercises during my regular workout sessions?
Of course I dont' want to overtrain. I figure it might just be a process of trial and error to see what works for me. Any suggestions?