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19 votes

Why are most novice programs limited to 3x/week when most novices want to train more?

As well as physical burnout, as addressed in Thomas's answer, a 3/week routine helps deal with mental burnout. I believe the GMB people wrote an article that's a bit more detailed (I can't access it ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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15 votes

Why are most novice programs limited to 3x/week when most novices want to train more?

You have to find a compromise between how often you want to train, and how quickly you can recover. There is nothing magic about a 3/week full body program. 3/week just happens to be a good frequency ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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10 votes

Why are most novice programs limited to 3x/week when most novices want to train more?

If a novice wants to do more than 3x/week, is it detrimental to his progress? Possibly, yes. The main factor is not whether 6x/week hurts, but that 3x/week works. Nothing is as proven in the amateur ...
AnoE's user avatar
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6 votes

What harm does it do if a bodybuilder wears no gloves when working out at a gym?

You get bad-ass calluses. That's about it. More serious answer. Reasons to wear gloves: They can help grip if chalk is not an option in the gym. It increases the texture of your palm which will ...
DeeV's user avatar
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