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6 votes

How to help a stubborn and dedicated teenager doing calisthenics?

Nothing that you describe seems necessarily alarming. I'm a little confused about "500 pull-ups" and "5-6 hours of training per day", but some young men can tolerate that kind of ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
5 votes

Why is it impossible or nearly impossible to burn high levels of fat near VO2 max intensity?

The reason why it's hard to burn fat during high intensity exercise is that it's a slow and inefficient process of getting energy to the muscles. Your body will switch to using glycogen aerobically ...
Wood's user avatar
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4 votes

Do heavy partial reps have any benefit?

I suppose it depends on what you mean by heavy partial reps. I've found that training the initial deadlift pull (think, from the floor to about knee height) helped my deadlift. This is because being ...
Dark Hippo's user avatar
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4 votes

How should men above 40 train cardio?

Running properly isn’t bad for your knees, but running in bad form certainly can be. As a matured human being, you should train like a matured human being. It doesn’t matter what age or sex you are, ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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3 votes

Abbreviated core workout routine

If you're looking to do 3-4 sets per week of one exercise then I think you'd be better off just playing more intensely with your dogs. That's way too low of a volume to even matter. Maybe get a ...
C. Lange's user avatar
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How can I design a simple as possible weight lifting program that involves all the big compund exercises?

Please consider the Starting Strength Program, which aligns well with your goals of strengthening your posterior chain and maximizing training-time efficiency: The Starting Strength Program is the ...
Christian Conti-Vock's user avatar
3 votes

Do heavy partial reps have any benefit?

Partial range of motion exercises like quarter squats are really only good for increasing strength within the partial range of motion.[1] (With isometric exercises being a particularly extreme case of ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
3 votes

When should and shouldn't one train to failure?

Experiments have found that training to failure and training close to failure produces the same hypertrophy when the volume is the same. The strength however had increased more in the close to failure ...
Andy's user avatar
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When should and shouldn't one train to failure?

My general training philosophy, one that I've picked up from a myriad of different authors and coaches, is that the only time you go to failure is during competition, otherwise there's a high risk of ...
Dark Hippo's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is recovery time (off days) needed from HIT workout if the goal is cardiovascular and not muscle gain

The heart, arguably the primary target of cardiovascular training, is technically a muscle. While cardiac muscle is quite a bit different than skeletal muscle, significant stressing of the heart (...
Bob's user avatar
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2 votes

High intensity with/without breaks

Strictly from a caloric expenditure point of view, you will burn roughly the same amount of calories in 30 minutes as you would in 45 minutes if the amount of work performed is equal. In a more ...
DeeV's user avatar
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Do heavy partial reps have any benefit?

It depends entirely on what you're doing and what you're trying to achieve by doing it. For example, a block pull deadlift can help people get passed a sticking point in regular deadlift. It helps ...
DeeV's user avatar
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2 votes

Do heavy partial reps have any benefit?

Honestly, partial reps are best saved for the end of a set of full reps when you want to squeeze in a few more gains. This really depends on the workout though, I've particularly found them more ...
johnabrams7's user avatar
2 votes

How can I design a simple as possible weight lifting program that involves all the big compund exercises?

Your workout goals are good and I think you can easily pursue them if you give around 45 minutes to an hour daily. Being a doctor I would advise you to consult with an orthopedician or a physical ...
user27630's user avatar
2 votes

How to do HIIT when it takes a while for the treadmill to speed up and slow down?

Do you live near a track or in a good neighborhood to run in? Do this outside - make it fun. Do Intervals in Sets and Reps - Get AWAY from using time There's nothing in life that's fun and ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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How to do HIIT when it takes a while for the treadmill to speed up and slow down?

You've got a few options, though honestly none of them are going to fit your ideal scenario. 1) As Kevin Lee suggested, just do 30 seconds sprint, let it slow down and do 30 seconds walking. You're ...
Dark Hippo's user avatar
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2 votes

How should men above 40 train cardio?

Short answer: You should train like anybody else. Only thing what change with age is the error buffer. In other words, your body will tolerate less mistakes. So if you choose running (or any other ...
matousc's user avatar
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2 votes

will doing a short intense exercise be worse/not as good as doing a more moderate exercise for the same period of time

Think about what five minutes could possibly yield in conditioning. Obviously you have to issue a challenge to your heart and lungs walking isn't going to help you. Suppose you did the opposite of ...
Kirby225's user avatar
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1 vote

My heart beat really goes up during jogging, but I don't feel it

For what it's worth I don't feel my increased heart rate when running either, not unless I push extremely hard. Generally I just feel that my breathing is harder. It's not possible to know if 180bpm ...
Eric Nolan's user avatar
1 vote

When should and shouldn't one train to failure?

Your exercise selection seems wrong if the goal is general health, strength and athletisism. I saw a favourable review of an Athlean-x program(1). It contained a lot of compund movements that I liked: ...
Andy's user avatar
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will doing a short intense exercise be worse/not as good as doing a more moderate exercise for the same period of time

down vote Your thought process is right. Doing high-intensity workouts will force your body into EPOC(Excessive Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) where your body is burning fat even hours after your ...
K.Rahul Mohideen's user avatar
1 vote

How to do HIIT when it takes a while for the treadmill to speed up and slow down?

Just do a full 30 seconds at the sprint speed and a full 30 seconds at your walking speed. It will still be considered a HIIT workout.
Kevin Lee's user avatar
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