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15 votes

The 10-percent rule in running: how to start?

As you've discovered, the 10% rule isn't really applicable to someone who is completely new to running. It requires that you already have an established weekly running volume that you can tolerate, so ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
4 votes

How should men above 40 train cardio?

Running properly isn’t bad for your knees, but running in bad form certainly can be. As a matured human being, you should train like a matured human being. It doesn’t matter what age or sex you are, ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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4 votes

Knees and middle age

Many people experience more aches and pains as they age. However, it's not a guarantee. Knees don't just 'go bad' most of the time and pain doesn't automatically mean there is damage either. Sure ...
Darren Beattie's user avatar
3 votes

Why is it said we do a knee extension in a deadlift?

Knee extension is the motion of the lower leg to return from a bent position (flexion) to a straight position. The muscles that cause this action are the quadriceps. What you are showing in the ...
JohnP's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it right that frontal muscles above knee gets tired (don't like it) during bicycling with heightened load (>260W)?

I wonder - what muscles can be [approx 5-15 cm above knee]? My guess is that there are very few muscles and they should not be important for the cycling. That would be the quadriceps, and they are ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
3 votes

Pain on lower outside of knee after running for 20 minutes

I agree with JohnP, hard to say. But I suggest you give running a break. Try barefoot walking lunges, they can reveal if your balance/step is good. What to do: rest, roll, stretch, strengthen, see a ...
Just_Alex's user avatar
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3 votes

Strengthening muscles absorbing shock by running downhill

There are two main adaptations of the body to downhill effort: that of the muscles and that of the joints. A downhill effort is made of eccentric muscles contractions (wikipedia link) have a specific ...
Thibaud Godon's user avatar
2 votes

Squats: point feet forward and externally rotate hips?

Everyone's hips are slightly different. Most people turn their toes out to ensure that their knee tracks over their toes. That said, squat stances can vary massively depending on type and sport: ...
John's user avatar
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2 votes

How should men above 40 train cardio?

Short answer: You should train like anybody else. Only thing what change with age is the error buffer. In other words, your body will tolerate less mistakes. So if you choose running (or any other ...
matousc's user avatar
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2 votes

Machine Leg Curl vs Glute-Ham-Raise

There's just entirely different exercises, honestly. The only similarity is that you're contracting the biceps femoris. Compare the muscles used for the GHR vs the leg curl, you'll see the difference. ...
Eric's user avatar
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2 votes

Leg Extensions and Curls less harmful to your Knee with Light Weights

The reason why the leg extension is particularly harmful to your knee is the way your leg is partially loaded on the seat, and the rest isn't, causing a "break point" that can be compared to how a ...
Alec's user avatar
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2 votes

Strengthening muscles absorbing shock by running downhill

The rule of thumb is to minimize downhill running to 1% of your uphill running. Thus, if you do hill workouts such as hill repeats or Jack Daniel's type R sessions on hills you are supposed to run up ...
runlevel0's user avatar
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2 votes

The 10-percent rule in running: how to start?

The answer from David Scarlett is a very good point that the 10% rule doesn't really work if you are starting at 1 mile a week or something similar. A couch to 5k plan is a good start, but one of the ...
Dill-Pickle's user avatar
2 votes

Knee Dysfunction- Baker's Cyst- How can I help myself?

You sound like one of the lucky ones. i was diagnosed with a Bakers Cyst over 3 months ago and it shows no real sign of leaving anytime soon. It was excruciating at the hospital and they gave me pain ...
Adam T's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is it said we do a knee extension in a deadlift?

Look at the starting position of someone about to perform a deadlift. You'll see that his knee come forward and are in fact slightly above the bar. In order to complete the deadlift, you have to be ...
DeeV's user avatar
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2 votes

Does hiking improve the fitness of the knee?

The most common causes of bursitis are overuse and acute injury. Since you don’t describe any sort of acute trauma to the knee that could lead to bursitis, overuse is the obvious culprit. Your body ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is it said we do a knee extension in a deadlift?

Flexion and extension refers to the movement and relative position of joints, here the knee joint. Whether you move a limb under load, upside down, or free from gravity in space does not change ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
2 votes

Why calves are stretched during the good morning exercise

The stretch in your calves during the good morning exercise comes from the tension placed on the calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius, as they work to stabilize the ankle joint. In the good ...
tholu's user avatar
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1 vote

Starting to run - Tips for beginners

I started a similar programme and also hurt myself in the middle. If running is painful, stop running! Take a break and allow yourself to heal. I tried to keep going and things got worse instead of ...
Eric Nolan's user avatar
1 vote

Yoga: Chair Pose alternatives?

This is a really intense pose. For developing awareness of the knee joints, increasing synovial fluid within them, and developing the ability to contract and strengthen quadriceps in a simple way, ...
kaanchan's user avatar
1 vote

Yoga: Chair Pose alternatives?

I have the same issue -- lifting up off the heels has made my knees feel better but we might have different knee pathologies. Maybe also try shifting your weight forward or back to emphasize either ...
900edges's user avatar
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Pain on lower outside of knee after running for 20 minutes

I have this issue, I'll save you the £75 (If you haven't spent it already on the orthopaedics) Get your feet properly measured for your shoes, also you may have a slightly flat foot which is causing ...
Luke H's user avatar
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Pain on lower outside of knee after running for 20 minutes

Go see an orthopaedic specialist, maybe something is wrong with your feet. Choose one who is making shoes and inlays and who is equiped for walk analysis and used to treat athletes. I have splayfeet ...
Philippe's user avatar
1 vote

Knee preservation

I too suffer from joint pain from injuries in my youth, though it's my hips and shoulders. I figured that I'd need hip replacements within the next decade. It may be beneficial to visit a physical ...
Lux Claridge's user avatar
1 vote

Knee injuries, chiropractors vs doctors

After a knee injury, the first thing you need is an exact diagnosis, which should have a name of an already known condition, for example: "a complete tear of anterior cruciate ligament" or "a tear of ...
Jan's user avatar
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What would be best squat stance and toe position for a person with weak knee?

If you're having knee trouble with the squat then it's generally a good idea to minimize knee drift. */Which isn't necessarily the case with people squatting who don't have knee issues. I just want ...
Darren Beattie's user avatar
1 vote

What would be best squat stance and toe position for a person with weak knee?

Well, to begin with I would work on strengthening the knees. A simple exercise you can do is to put one foot forward and focus most of your weight on it, as you tighten the quad. You're kind of ...
ozmichka's user avatar
1 vote

What would be best squat stance and toe position for a person with weak knee?

It’s a matter of getting everything aligned properly. Which is hard to explain with words alone, but getting your knees in the right position will require you to get your hips and ankles in the right ...
JustSnilloc's user avatar
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Stepping down safely for knee

Stepping down is always known to cause greater stress to the knee joint than stepping up. Since you have had a recent episode where you did the one legged squat, your knee joint may tend to pain for a ...
user27630's user avatar
1 vote

Squats: point feet forward and externally rotate hips?

I’m going to disagree with the statement that “…pretty much everyone turns their feet out slightly”. I tend to vary my foot placement, and, I know of others that do also. This includes ‘neutral’ (...
rrirower's user avatar
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