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22 votes

Can you be good both at cycling and running?

Can one be good at both? There is a reasonable correlation between run and bike speed for athletes who do both, so if you are good at one there's a reasonable chance you could be good at the other. ...
R. Chung's user avatar
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13 votes

Can you be good both at cycling and running?

As @thosphor pointed out in comments, the very existence of the sport of triathlon proves that it's possible to be good in up to three endurance sports simultaneously. Thus, with respect to the OP, ...
Weiwen Ng's user avatar
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13 votes

Can you be good both at cycling and running?

I have been running for more than a decade. In 2018, I accepted a challenge to complete a sprint triathlon. I borrowed a CX bike and started training. My only previous bike experience was riding ...
DSway's user avatar
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6 votes

Can you be good both at cycling and running?

From personal experience being good at running doesn’t translate to being good at cycling and vice versa. The muscles used are different and the motion/technique is different. I’d be especially ...
Michael's user avatar
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4 votes

Ball vs heel strike when walking or light jogging?

The Gait Cycle Gait essentially is a transition between repeated loss of balance and recovery. During movement there is a cyclic transfer between potential and kinetic energy which will minimize the ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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Hand position / form when swimming Crawl/Freestyle

You were likely taught to cup you hand in some beginner class. That's not so much "wrong," just ineffective & unnatural. It also doesn't add to your propulsive power as you may think. The cup ...
người Sàigòn's user avatar
4 votes

Does lifting form/technique always break down when performing the heaviest work-set for the first time?

Does [form breakdown at a new working weight] happen to other beginners? Yes, absolutely. The degree changes, and it doesn't happen to everyone every time they add weight, but it's common. Does ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
3 votes

Ball vs heel strike when walking or light jogging?

As Mike described - depends. When you walk - typically you start with heel. There are some phases like foot locking. When walking that is effective, as things developed during evolution. When running -...
Michał Zaborowski's user avatar
3 votes

Hand position / form when swimming Crawl/Freestyle

Back in the 1970's, the theory was to hold your fingers together. Then people started applying engineering and science to sports. One of the early investigations was of Dara Torres, involving the hand ...
Jon Custer's user avatar
2 votes

Should we keep shoulders shrugged during an overhead carry?

My general experience for this is yes, keep those shoulders shrugged. For almost all cases where weight is being locked out overhead, keeping those shoulders shrugged becomes more about safety than ...
wsidl's user avatar
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1 vote

What can be said of one whose bum rises before their shoulders/bar during barbell squats?

What you're describing sounds like your form is shifting, moving the weight from you quads to more on your glutes. You're likely then able to complete the rep because the glutes are the stronger ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Gluteus Maximus Development Tips For Men

So your objective is to build muscle, in this case glutes. To build muscle you need to stress those muscles the proper way. In this case, the proper way would be adequate repetitions (8-12) and ...
FenryrMKIII's user avatar
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Why do professional swimmers breathe every stroke in freestyle?

It very much depends on the swimmer, the distance and the type of race. If you watch the 50 freestyle swimmers, they will breathe once, maybe twice in the whole race. As you get to the longer races, ...
JohnP's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do professional swimmers breathe every stroke in freestyle?

Trent Grimsey swam the English Channel in 6hrs 55mins (WR time) breathing every stroke (every two arm pulls). There is exceptional balance to his stroke and it doesn’t compromise his efficiency. It ...
user40410's user avatar

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