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Alternative medicine advice on hydration from a yoga instructor

Disclaimer: I am not a professional of any kind in this or any related field. I am not in fantastic shape, either. All I can really say for my cred is that I exercise regularly and I've completed a ...
Jesse Amano's user avatar
6 votes

Creatine and water retention. Why to drink more water?

Creating draws more water into your muscle cells, which helps to increase muscle bulk and also increase protein synthesis (1)(2), although the total amount of water involved is relatively small. It ...
John M's user avatar
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5 votes

How to reduce fatigue after office?

You’d be amazed how much more productive and energized you feel after starting a strength and cardio training regimen. As you’re just starting out, developing consistency is far more important than ...
Mike-DHSc's user avatar
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5 votes

Water in protein shakes doesn't count?

Your body will extract the water just fine. Water intake recommendations have varied wildly over the years with very little real evidence to back it up. The common recommendations was 8 cups or 2 ...
JacobPariseau's user avatar
5 votes

Is increased water intake while taking creatine necessary on off weeks?

It is not necessary to increase water intake while off creatine. The creatine will flush out of your system naturally. You'll go back to baseline after a few days. Also, while not part of the question,...
DeeV's user avatar
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3 votes

Dealing with hydration for working out in the evening

I would just drink less during the workout. If you don't feel like to need to drink 1.5L of water during the workout but are forcing yourself to do so anyway, then the solution is easy - just stop ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
3 votes

What can I drink all day in lieu of water?

Perhaps a part of the problem is that you drink because you're bored, rather than thirsty. It may be worth trying to break that habit of consuming things for stimulation. To make your water more ...
jserv's user avatar
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3 votes

Does drinking water during a workout really help me?

There is no doubt that hypohydration negatively affects performance, both independently of thirst and independently of knowledge of our hydration status. Recent blind studies (here, here, here, and ...
POD's user avatar
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2 votes

Alternative medicine advice on hydration from a yoga instructor

In yoga meta-physiology, burping is controlled by a specific prana, one of five major ones. An excess of burping would be considered an imbalance of the prana controlling that specific bodily function....
kaanchan's user avatar
2 votes

Alternative medicine advice on hydration from a yoga instructor

Anytime someone quotes Ayurvedic alternative medicine, it should instantly raise your spider sense. There are yoga instructors that have a good grounding science/reality but there are also plenty that ...
Darren Beattie's user avatar
2 votes

Alternative medicine advice on hydration from a yoga instructor

What your instructor is saying is quackery. However, why not make her happy? You might not need to drink water during the class. I think there is a bit of paranoia about hydrating that says you ...
Chris 's user avatar
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What's a normal amount/rate of water loss during exercise

This depends on many factors. Some of these factors are individual (e.g. heat-adapted and larger individuals can on average sweat more). Some of these factors are environmental (e.g. sweating more ...
melvio's user avatar
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2 votes

What happens to water retention in caloric deficit

Everything you've stated is correct. The missing variables are timing, duration, and intensity of the effect. When eating in a caloric deficit, glycogen will deplete a little. Remaining in a deficit ...
DeeV's user avatar
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1 vote

Cold and hot therapy

Both are similarly effective at reducing delayed onset muscle soreness.1 The most likely mechanism through which they have this effect is placebo, which would allow both to be beneficial, despite them ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
1 vote

Physical routine after having plenty of water

As in the answer here. It does not hurt you to drink water before physical activity. In the short term, it can cause muscle cramps because all that water moves around. It can also sound weird because ...
DeeV's user avatar
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How to reduce fatigue after office?

One primary reason for fatigue is due to lack of oxygen supply to cells. So, you should make sure you are breathing properly (ie. deep inhalation and exhalation) and conscious breathing. There are lot ...
Prakash Nanjundan's user avatar
1 vote

should I use of energy/electrolyte drinks if I feel fatigue, exhausted and dried throat during exercise

Being tired throughout a day is not normal even your workouts are intense. I had a very similar issue, I was feeling very tired after my workouts. Later on, I figured out that I have high blood ...
PIC16F84A's user avatar
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