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Can I run a 5k before a track meet?

Your decision here may rest on a few important factors: Your normal runs the day after a race. Do you take the day off, go for a short shakeout run, or just train normally? Your level of comfort with ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
2 votes

Getting sub 20min 5k

There are many ways to get there, as your investigations would suggest. And perhaps you will be pleased to learn that long-endurance work is not the most effective way to achieve high middle-distance ...
POD's user avatar
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2 votes

How much does a 400m time correlate to a good 5k race time prediction?

No, you can't predict 5k race time from 400 meters timing, unless you decide to run at the same speed and are able to maintain it over the distance of 5k. You can sprint the whole of 400 meters, but ...
xCodeZone's user avatar
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I can run long at a good pace but I am so slow on shorter runs

You need more interval and threshold work. Those will enable you to run faster for shorter distances. Interval work is done at or faster than typical race pace with long rest intervals. So as an ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Getting sub 20min 5k

you should be considering a 5-day training for 5k under 20 mins. You should divide your training into 3 different running tempos. Tempo pace runs, Hiit Training (HIGH INTERVAL INTENSE TRAINING), ...
Dimitris Pafilis's user avatar
1 vote

If I'm training only for 5k, can I do mostly VO2 max training workouts?

V̇O₂max work rate can typically be held only for around 8 minutes or so, so you're not going to be racing at V̇O₂max pace. And while the pace will be "close", it's in the nature of endurance that ...
user7761803's user avatar
1 vote

I need some help running further distances

Short version: Run 7k or 10k really slow once a week - even if it takes you 2 hours to finish. Just keep going. An easy way is to have someone drop you off 10k from your house and leave you there. ...
jp2code's user avatar
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I need some help running further distances

Here is a list of things I have experiences throughout the years help buildup distance prowess. Variety - Don't have all your runs be at the same distance or the speed. For example each day you can ...
user42909's user avatar
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