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Questions tagged [recovery]

The body rebuilding itself after injury or training stimulus.

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Carrying salt tablets, caps , chews, etc

I am training for marathons. I want to carry salt tablets on my long runs and race days but last time I did, the resealable little SaltStick pack of tabs I have got totally closed on me, probably too ...
MuccyCork's user avatar
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Is it possible to be "too tired" to fall asleep?

I have noticed that on days where I push myself physically more than normal, for example a long hike, running a half-marathon, starting lifting weights again after a long break etc. My body will feel ...
Aesir's user avatar
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How do I stop myself from training to a point that I have no energy for rest of the day?

I've been training early morning for a while now. I go to the gym at seven in the morning, get out, and then immediately go to school. However, I notice that after training, I barely have any energy ...
Brian's user avatar
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What’s the effect of a full but significantly deferred (vs an immediate/same-day) recovery?

It’s often said that only 30% of one’s gains are made in the gym, while the remaining 70% are made in the bedroom. Last week I ate well, had a pretty heavy workout, and then failed to sleep until the ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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How to find out timing of supercompensation?

Supercompensation refers to the post training period during which the trained function/parameter has a higher performance capacity than it did prior to the training period (source). One should train ...
LulY's user avatar
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How to figure out how long to rest in-between workouts?

I'm trying to figure out how to program rest days into my workouts so as to avoid injury. In this video, Dr Stu Mcgill explain, how even if we are working with safe tolerable loads, well under our ...
Brian's user avatar
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How to think about muscle fatigue?

I'm trying to figure out how to think about Fatigue. A simple model one can start with is that if a muscle is used more, then it's fatigued more. However, suppose one is on leg day and is at the end ...
Brian's user avatar
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Calf Pain From Running [closed]

I should start by saying that I’m relatively new to running. I have dabbled in the past but I started semi-seriously about 6 months ago to improve my cardio for boxing. I started from about 500m ...
Ben's user avatar
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Conceptualizing role of recovery in muscle building

I am trying to figure out how to think about recovery when wanting to muscle build. So far I've been going about seven weeks a day, but seeing videos of people like Tom Platz, Mike Mentzer and Dorian ...
Brian's user avatar
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What is the easy, highly effective way to deal with soreness and exhaustion?

On and off over the past years I’ve had some periods of pretty intense exercise and while it can feel really good I sometimes actually rue just how tired, sore and exhausted I can get from such a good ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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How to maintain a physical level with sickness

Since I became a parent I'm permanently sick. During the summer it was quite well which means from June until November I wasn't sick once but before June and also since November now I'm sick all the ...
Ben's user avatar
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Is it a good idea to have some overlap between engaged muscle groups in different exercises?

Is it a good idea to have some overlap between engaged muscle groups in different exercises within a single day? If you do, for example, hip thrusts and then some squat variation, your performance in ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
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What are the therapeutic effects of 1250nm IR light? [closed]

Some niche biohacking oriented companies make red light therapy lamps emitting a spectrum of 639, 660, 850 & 880 nm light citing a particular authoritative book on the scientifically demonstrated ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Can increasing exercise duration and intensity increase energy levels or overall stamina over time? Are there any known strategies to deal with this?

Background/Context Just over a year ago, I began bicycling. Partially due to the situation at the time and also because I just enjoyed it, I became more or less "addicted" in a way. I first ...
the_endian's user avatar
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Why does weight training cause so much more DOMS than even extremely arduous bike rides?

One thing I do not fully grasp is why I have so much more intense Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness ("DOMS") after a bout of weightlifting at the gym during "leg day" versus an equally ...
the_endian's user avatar
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3 answers

Additional exercise to backstroke swimming

I've started backstroke swimming around 3 times a week and want to add just a little strength training to it. The problem with swimming is, that it seems to use so many muscle groups that it seems you ...
electron_brain's user avatar
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Training frequency in relation to recovery and soreness

Currently I am training on a 3-day full body workout split. It alternates between two workouts (A/B) with different focus, though every major muscle group is still trained in every workout. I train ...
Justin Hehli's user avatar
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How much time do I have to recover for a football match after intense bicycling for 6 hours as a delivery person?

I am working as a Uber Eats in my bicycle this work is really intense I need to be faster than my competitors with motorbikers, fast for my competitors no take my orders. I really like this job ...
rubengavidia0x's user avatar
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How long does it take to see results from increasing psoas flexibility

I'm in physical therapy for tight calves and achilles tendinopathy that is believed to have been caused by a tight psoas. I've been doing the psoas exercises for two weeks and while my hips are more ...
Anna's user avatar
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Time to full improvement after single workout with strength training

I'm a 29 y/o male starting strength training for the first time. I've done cardio my whole life and there were 3 rules of thumb I had in terms of time expectations: It takes about 4 months after ...
Neil's user avatar
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Exercises to aid in recovery of trapezius muscle and provide future protection?

My upper back has been susceptible for years to get stiff or spasm when I do any sort of weights, typically for a few days. I've been told that totally resting a sore muscle is not ideal, rather very ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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What is waste product of muscle synthesis, creating unquenchable thirst?

I know there's an assumption in the question but here's the situation. I'm on a lifting program I really enjoy, based on 3x/week compound barbell movements with progressive overload. I know you have ...
gcr's user avatar
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How does the timing of the cool-off phase affect the recovery?

When I see descriptions of training sessions there is almost always a warm-up phase, followed by e.g. a HIT unit, and finally a cool-off phase. From my understanding, the warm-up phase would be used ...
Tonio Liebrand's user avatar
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Does Performing Easier Exercise Reduce Endurance?

Recently, I was injured. Before injury, I would do HIIT workouts that push my body to the limit. I do it regularly (4 or 5 times a week). During injury, I could only do running (around 1km everyday). ...
Mason's user avatar
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Is overtraing just an overdose? A bypassable overdose?

The human body works in a way such that small doses of poison can slowly build up resistance to that poison in a progressive manner. But the same poison in quantities too large for the body to process ...
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Will I benefit from a split routine

About me I'm 15 yo, can do 10 dips, 10 pullups, my max weighted pull up was 22 kg. My routine is the following(it's the Fierce 5 Dumbell Full-Body one): Workout A Split Squat 3x8 (each leg) Bench ...
Kedel Mihail's user avatar
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Should I take a break from working out and if so, how long?

Well, I’m just going to be straight forward here. About a month and a half ago, I started working out in my house like every day for about two weeks. Then, I received a lot of work because I’m a ...
Idkanymore's user avatar
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Rehabbing stubborn tendonosis

I've had tricep tendonosis for over 4 years. I've seen numerous physios and put countless hours of my own research into it. Most of my rehab efforts have been with slow tempo / eccentric exercises. ...
user avatar
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Do I need continuous sleep in order to maximise muscle growth?

I’ve been getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night. However, I occasionally wake up once or twice to go to the toilet (twice is very rare). It’s quite easy for me to get back to sleep, therefore these ...
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One-sided lat exercises

After an injury (broken collarbone, shoulder blade and rib) last year I'm trying to get back up to strength. It's several months since I was cleared to resume normal exercise, so this question is ...
Chris H's user avatar
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What should you do between short running series?

I am following a training program for a 10 k race with a goal of 40 minutes. It consists on 4 training days during 5 weeks. Weeks are more or less like this: One day for short series (5 x 200 m at 3'...
fedorqui's user avatar
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Diet to lose fat while gaining conditioning/strength in martial art

I’m probably at 20% body fat and am trying to lose fat. Simultaneously I am training 4-5x/week in Judo. I’m a beginner. It’s great, but I do get quite fatigued and my muscles are often sore. I’m ...
clearwater's user avatar
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Can you actually lose strength from exercising (for example, if you don't get enough food)?

As far I understand, typical muscle growth from excercise occurs as follows: - cause microdamage in muscles with heavy excercise - microdamage is repaired by your body and a bit of extra muscle tissue ...
Ivan Koshelev's user avatar
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Strengthening the ACL graft?

After an ACL injury, there are tons of exercises one can do, but almost all of them seem to focus on the muscles around the graft, and stuff like balance exercises, plyometrics, etc... What about ...
Basl's user avatar
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Which exercises provide an eccentric load to the gluteus minimus?

Which exercises provide an eccentric load to the gluteus minimus? I found exercises that provides eccentric load to the gluteus medius and maximus, but haven't found anything eccentric for the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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When in the day should I train to optimize Recovery and to limit DOMS?

Assuming that the exercise does not influence the quality and timing of sleep. If I do not sleep much the day before, should I train later in the day.
Olav's user avatar
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How do I recover from a several hour large calorie burn on the elliptical?

I'm trying to lose some weight, and had to watch some youtube videos for review, so I just spent the last 5 hours (about 3500 calories) on an elliptical doing max resistance and max incline, and 2 ...
Brick Shithouse's user avatar
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Foam roller and massage ball

I want to buy a foam roller and massage ball for self massage and myofascial release. What are things/features to look out for when buying these? Also, is it worth to invest in a known brand or do the ...
Suimon's user avatar
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advice for male turning 40+

I've been weight and martial art training for a few years now, on and off. Having turned 40 recently, and over the years noticing changes like longer recovery times etc, I was wondering if there are ...
Matt W's user avatar
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Is deloading already useful or not?

I recently read about a Deload-Week (doing about 40-60% of either the weights or reps you usually use/do for a week) in order to give your muscles a little time to recover without completly stopping ...
Suimon's user avatar
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Best strategy for running twice 5km in timespan 2,5 hours

I am participating in a 5km-runing relay event organized by my employer. One of my colleagues dropped out, and couldnt find replacement. Now I offered to run also his 5k. Running 10k is no problem ...
Ger's user avatar
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When measuring heart-rate recovery, what should I compare?

I have been recently diagnosed with asthma. I have always had a hard time to get fit so I try to figure out if regular training has impact on my fitness. I have been running intervals for the last ...
Himmators's user avatar
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If using bike or jog commutes as active recovery, how much can I push and still count as active recovery?

Since it's a commute, we tend to also want our speeds to be reasonable. Getting there in less time encourages us to cycle there more often. Even if you live close to work, a round trip can make the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Is it possible/useful to create core soreness?

I workout my core and my abs everyday for a year now and, even on heavy workout days I have never experienced core soreness. To be complete, I have felt abs soreness for a couple of minutes, but ...
GlinesMome's user avatar
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Arranging powerlifting and martial arts workouts for optimal recovery

I am following Johnny Candito's Linear Program for powerlifters. Essentially, the program goes as follows: Mon: heavy lower day (competition style squats and deadlifts) Tue: heavy upper day (...
UnbescholtenerBuerger's user avatar
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How to avoid overworking lower back?

How can I avoid overworking lower back? Everything I do hits lower back in some way... squats, deadlifts, rows. How can everyone do all these exercises that work the lower back, every one of them ...
user avatar
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Does over training exist?

Is it true that overtraining does not exist but its instead just under-recovery as to not rest,sleep,drink and eat enough?
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How long after a long run can one (body weight) exercise?

Is it a good idea to engage in relatively heavy session of upper body + core calisthenics (read, push-ups/pull-ups/chin-ups) about 12 hours after a long run (10k+) - assuming one is feeling fine and ...
ahron's user avatar
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What would be drawbacks (apart from pain) and benefits to go to gym with sore muscles?

I have been lazy... so after a few year break I decided to hit the gym again. I put on only fraction of weight of what I was doing 'back then'... and I couldn't even go through all the exercises, I ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
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Back to the gym after ilness

I was ill, a flu, or other infection. I know that I had to suspend training sessions. This time it was 2 weeks, so nothing really special. It happens to me from time to time, and usually 2-3 weeks are ...
Michał Zaborowski's user avatar

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